How it works
By incorporating certain aromatherapy scents during the labor process we can help aid the progression of the labor. Whether it be for relaxation or a scent to help support the labor, aromatherapy can play a key roll in the progress of your labor. ​
Breathing & Relaxation Techniques​
​The use of proper breathing during labor can help manage pain throughout. Knowing how to use relaxation techniques during labor can help in the progression of labor. Knowing when to switch positions or to utilize certain positions in labor can assist in the relief of back labor. Aches and pains in labor can be aided with the addition of massage therapy. Massage is incorporated during contractions if that is what is needed, or in between contractions. Progressive relaxation is also a technique that is utilized to help in the down time of a contraction so as to help you save energy. Saving energy so that you do not over exert yourself during labor is going to help also with recovery, in the fact that when you conserve energy during labor you will not feel so exhausted and drained after you have had your baby.​
Role of labor support provider​
As your labor support provider, I accompany you during active labor to help ensure a safe and satisfying birth experience. I draw on my education and experience to provide emotional support, physical comfort, and information you need to make informed decisions in labor. I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for comfort. I am independent and self-employed, working for you, not your caregiver or hospital. I will be available to you on call by pager 24 hours a day from the 37th week of your pregnancy until the baby is born. In the event of an induced labor, I will be available when active labor begins, which can be several hours after the ​administration of pitocin or the rupturing of membranes.​

When you are in labor
I prefer that you call me when you are in early labor (during daylight hours) even if you do not yet need me. I can answer questions and make suggestions over the phone. Please allow approximately 45 to 60 minutes for me to arrive at the hospital from the time you notify me that you are in active labor. If it is the middle of the night, please do not call me until you are almost ready to leave for the hospital.
​After birth
I remain with you until shortly after the doctor has left, and you are comfortable, breastfeeding (if you desire), and your family is ready for quiet time together. I am available for phone contact to answer questions about the birth of your baby.
My fee for the services described in the cost section are to be paid as follows: 50% upon entering this agreement, and 50% due upon the birth of the baby. For your convenience, you can write the check for the balance in advance, and pack it in your hospital bag so you don’t have to worry about it once the baby arrives. Your initial 50% fee will be deposited into a savings bank account, and not touched until the birth of your baby. That way in the scenario that I am unable to attend the birth of your baby, you can have your money back no questions asked.​
​No Guarantees
Although every study performed on labor support providers has shown that their presence results in a shorter labor with fewer medical interventions, it is impossible to make any guarantees about your labor. Regardless of the outcome of the birth, all fees herein are due and payable, and no refunds will be given except as stated below.​
​Failure of labor support provider to provide service
I will make every effort to provide the services described herein. Sometimes this is impossible (for example I am sick). If my failure to attend your birth is due to my failure to arrive, there will be no charge for my services except that I will retain a portion of the deposit equal to the value of prenatal massage discounts that I provided. In the event of a rapid labor, if I arrive within 45 minutes of being paged but miss the birth, I will discount my fee for services by half.